Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Baby Paxton and Library Tuesday

Paxton thinks he wants to be a baby. He found an old bag of pacifiers and he has dubbed one "his suckie." It's red. He carries that thing around in his mouth and spits it out at random times throughout the day. He has no idea that you are supposed to suck on it. When he spits it out he starts whining. "Oh no. My suckie fell out." Last night he decided that he wanted a bath like a baby too. I did it. It was hilarious. About halfway through he wanted out. Teach him to act like a baby again.

Library Tuesday was fantastic. We just hung around reading books and then went into their humongous lawn to have a picnic and run around. This is by far one of my favorite days of the week. Especially because both boys usually fall asleep in the car on the way home.

One of my favorite things about Paxton is the fact that he always stops to smell the flowers. I hope he never grows out of that ;)

And just because there can never be too many pictures of the baby

Monday, August 30, 2010

Time to Relax

This weekend was full of relaxation. We didn't do much of anything. Actually that's not entirely true. We went grocery shopping. Costco. Paxton's favorite place. Just like his Grampa Scott. Only Paxton loves it because he never leaves without a huge hot dog. This time his Daddy spoiled him with a "Mootie" (smoothie).
Here is some random pictures of us hanging out this weekend!

One pacifier is not enough- he has to get his finger in there as well ;)

Kian is the most spit-upish little boy ever. He always has something coming back up.

Tylor and I were able to go on our first date since Kian came to stay. We went to Snow Goose for dinner and was able to watch a comedy show there as well. We saw Scared Scriptless perform. They were hilarious. Kinda reminded me of the Drew Carey Show. I would love to see them again for sure.

On Sunday we had a nice little picnic at Goose Lake. We fed some duckies while we were there too :)

This week in school we are learning about Dinosaurs. Today Paxton got to open some Dino eggs. It was a lot of fun to open them and play with the Dino's inside. Paxton's favorite dinosaur is the Stegosaurus and the T- Rex.

Paxton- patiently waiting

Friday, August 27, 2010

Working, Running, Relaxing and Swimming

Yesterdays was my first day back at work. I woke up a little late, and super tired and really was rushing to get there. I was sure I was going to be late, but I made it at 7:00am on the dot. After that I was able to kick back, relax and enjoy some time away from the boys. It really was a treat! It was not too busy but enough to make the day fly by. I think I needed a little break! And I made some money too!

Today I ran my 5K. It was good. I did it in 32:00 which was a little slower than I wanted, but faster than I have ever ran it. I wasn't the last one to cross the finish line either.

The boys have been angels as always. Kian and Paxton loved playing with Nana yesterday and sounds like they spent the whole day outside. Today the rain came back so the boys have just been hanging around the house. Enjoying some time with Mommy.

Wednesday after nap time I had a little fun.

The water from the fawcet outside has to be close to 33 degrees, right above freezing. So when you want to get the pool out you have to think of some way to warm it up or no one will gt in it. Warming it up in the sun takes days, boiling pots of hot water takes hours. I found the solution, but couldn't find the duct tape ;)

It wound up being an awesome time. Our neighbors even joined in the fun by attaching the hose from the slip-n-slide to the kitchen sink.

Only in Alaska do you have to find ways to warm up in the heat of the summer instead of cool down :)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Shots, park and sleep!

It is impossible to get two kids out of the house before 9:00am. End of story. I managed to make it to Kian's 9:05am appointment with seconds to spare. I guess I could have made myself get out of bed earlier... Oh well.

Here's Kian's stats:

Age: 2 months 10 days
Height: 24.5 inches
Weight: 13 lbs

He is in the 90th percentile for both height and weight.
Paxton was almost a pound heavier than Kian at the same age, but Kian also has 1/2 an inch on Paxton. Kian also got his very first shots today!

Obviously you can tell he doesn't seem to bothered by the whole ordeal.

After Kian's check up we met Paxton's little buddy Finn at the park for some play time. Those boys are two peas in a pod. They get along super well and really like to play the same sort of stuff. Like throw grass at each other and dig in the dirt. Finn just turned 3 and also has a little brother that is just 2 weeks older than Kian. I love that they are all so close in age and it is nice to visit with his Mom and talk about our experiences with the boys. I left my camera at home during our park time, but it really tuckered Paxton out.

There is nothing I love more then pulling up to the house with two sleepy boys in the back seat.
Tomorrow is my first day back at work. I am pretty excited and a little nervous. I know the first few days are pretty hard to do! :) It looks like I am working a few more days in September too. I need to clean up and bit before the boys wake up.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tuesday is Library Day.

Every Tuesday we go to the library. We check out an enormous amount of books and then head out to the library lawn to run, jump and wear off some energy. Luckily it was another beautiful day so we took complete advantage of it ;)

Paxton loves to jump off of things. He is starting to become a little dare devil. Sometimes I catch him trying to jump off of the most impossible things, where no matter how high he jumps he is going to bite it. This is what he found to jump off of this afternoon.

Little Kian watching his big brother run around

Our attempt at a group photo!

My two boys :) This happens to be seconds before Paxton pushes Kian off of him, face first into the grass. Poor little baby.

So since I have had Kian I have been running and running. It started out at 1.5 miles every few days and lately I have been doing 3.0 miles everyday. Tylor and I are running our first race together on Friday. Pretty excited. It is a 5K, which really is kinda wimpy, but it should be fun. Tylor is going to be pushing the boys in the stroller and my goal is to complete it in under 30 minutes. Which might be easy for some of you, but the last time I ran a 5K I had trained for over a month and was childless even then I finished at 32 minutes. So I guess we will see :)- I'm quite the slow runner.
Any way, I am setting a goal to finish a marathon by the time I am 30. Its a pretty big goal and I am not really positive I can do it. BUT I am positive I can finish a half-marathon by next summer- so I need a bigger goal. I just want to get that out there. It makes it easier to do if you are held accountable.

The boys are really just being awesome today. I really do love them. I am amazed at how much Paxton is talking nowadays. He just talks and talks and talks. You really never get a quiet minute in this house! Every time I put him to bed, whether it be nap time or night time, he always asks me to go night night with him. I always say the same thing,
"Paxton, Mommy never goes night night with you, your a big boy and go to sleep by yourself in your big boy bed."
Today he informs me,
"Daddy goes night night with me sometimes."
Hmmmmm. Pretty sure that never happens. Seeing as I am here every time that kid goes to sleep. Is he trying to play sides? Little turkey.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Laundry day.

This is what I am doing during nap time today. There is a load in the washer, a load in the dryer and three more waiting to be done. I try to keep up with it over the week, but with us camping that was three days without doing the laundry. I have found when you are camping there is twice as many dirty clothes.

So I am making this short and sweet.

Here is the deal with today:

Kian spits up way too much. I always smell like sour milk.
Paxton needs to be fed before he gets too hungry or he gets super cranky. Its only getting worse the older he gets.
Paxton is never stops talking.
Kian is getting really chubby in the leggies.
Kian fights sleep.
I pretty sure Paxton is growing. For lunch today he ate a whole tuna sandwich, half a can of pinapple, a whole blueberry muffin, and a scoop of vanilla ice cream. This coming from a kid that eats 2 bites of a sandwich and lifts up his shirt and says "See, my belly all full."

And according to Paxton (about the toaster):

"See Mommy, put bread in here and POP a jelly sandwich comes out "

So school was about balloons today. Not super interesting I guess. Paxton was bored before I even had a trying chance. We ended up just playing at the park enjoying the sunshine.

I am not sure what these kids are up to, but it doesn't look good eh?

The only reason I got this picture is because I bribed Paxton with ice cream. Seriously.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Camping in the Mountians

What a blast. I really love camping and spending time with family. We went to Hatchers Pass this weekend to camp and pick blueberries. There were berries everywhere! Paxton LOVED helping but mainly liked eating them out of our buckets. There was one point when he convinced Tylor to let him hold the bucket. Paxton proceeded to tip it back and empty the blueberries in his mouth. He only dumped the blueberries twice. My Mom came out and camped with us. Paxton lived having his Nana with him and both of them went on exploring adventures together. Paxton ran up to the campsite one time screaming "Emergency, emergency! Bears coming! I need my gun!" (which sounds like "gung"). The highlight of the trip was of course the dutch oven apple dumplings I made. I was introduced to the by an awesome gal at church. The secret ingredient is Mt. Dew. Imagine that. They are amazing. Never had anything so good!

Our first stop and most important, Ice Cream at DQ!!

Paxton facing the boredom on the car ride

Little Kian Bunny in his bunny suit! We have a similar picture of Paxton and Tylor when Paxton was around the same age!

Let the berry picking begin!

The Many Faces of Paxton

Kian's Idea of Berry Picking!

My Little Bunny Boy. This little bunny suit was for Paxton's first Easter. It has been amazing for camping with Kian. It keeps him just the right temperature so he doesn't get too cold, and it makes him look super cute! And I have to brag about the car seat Kian is sitting in. This is our spare that usually rides in Tylor's truck. It is awesome. Super light and really nice to lug around. Did I mention that I got it at a garage sale for $2.00? SCORE!