Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I knew eventually I wouldn't have time. Things are getting crazy around here, trying to keep up with school and the boys and my workouts. Naptime lately has consisted of me catching up on my sleep or school work. While I would love to post tons of pictures on here, it takes too long!! So here is the latest and greatest :)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I love my boys. Even when they scream and yell for no reason. They are the best. I have been learning so much about my camera with this new class, so with that comes lots of new pictures. Last night was a fun time of Mommy learning.

There are a ton more pictures. It is just taking 4-EVER to upload. I think I am going to call it quits today and save some for tomorrow. We went to story time at the library today. It was lots of fun as usual... No pictures. It is getting to cold for us to play outside for very long, especially with Kian. Miss you all :)

Monday, September 20, 2010


I am not sure how to describe this weekend. I am not thinking it was a lot of fun...

Friday on the other hand was a really good day. We went to Arctic Gymnatics for their open gym. AWESOME. The whole place is opened up for toddlers to explore. Its a real gym where they train real athletes. You might wonder what a two year old would do there? Well let me tell you. They have huge foam blocks in all different shapes to climb on and jump off of. There is a huge trampoline for jumping and an extremely long trampoline that I think they use to practice tumbling passes. There are ropes and rings that are all low to the ground just the right size to play on. But best of all there is a HUGE foam pit where you can jump off of a tall ledge and land softly in a bed of foam! AWESOME for little Paxton. PERFECT. We came home and took a quick nap and then off the the Arctic Oasis to play with a good friend of mine from Ketchikan and her 18 month old grandson. We had a wonderful day. Unfortunately I didn't bring my camera.

So Saturday Paxton woke up at 7. WAY to early for him. And we decide to go hiking. The entire way there Paxton is crying. Why? I don't know. Probably tired. As we pull into the trailhead parking lot it is then that I remember that I am on call. We decided to go anyway. We get about a quarter of a mile into the trail and we have all had enough. Paxton has continued to scream the entire time and im pretty nervous about being on call. We snap a few pathetic pictures and head home. We walk in the door just in time to hear them calling me into work on the answering machine. So into work I go. 3 hours later I am home sick with a tummy bug.

This pretty much sums up our whole hiking experience

Sunday I am trying to recover. Paxton refuses to nap and is cranky ALL DAY!

Today. AGGGGHHHH. I am just in a crappy mood. Paxton wont take a nap AGAIN. He is super cranky but WONT CLOSE HIS EYES. Kian just wants to be held. And I just want some ME time. Im ready to pull out my hair. THE END

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Photography class

This was my assignment this week

Take a photo the demonstrates the sense of a circle.

Take a photo that demonstrates the sense of texture

What do you think?
It is definately making me start to think outside of the box.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Banana Muffins

We learned about Fall in school today. We went and picked up leaves and made pictures with them. It was fun. The highlight of the day was making banana bread though. We made them into muffins.
Paxton was the best little helper.

The funniest part of the day happened when Paxton sneaked a spoon out of the drawer, stuck it into the batter, licked the spoon and then proceeded to stick it back in the drawer as if nothing happened. Little turkey.

Kian got a little bored watching Paxton so he decided to watch himself instead

Grandpa Scott tried to take family pictures for us yesterday. We didn't cooperate very well. Or should I say Paxton didn't cooperate very well. This was the best one we got.

Work tomorrow.
Talk to yall on Friday.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Apples Paxton Laflan

Yesterday in school we learned about Apples. It was another fun day. It was funny afterward we were writting letters to Grammie and Grandpa and Paxton told me his name was Apples Paxton.

The green apple was by far his favorite!
We made painting with apples

We even made some applesauce. It was super fun and Paxton was the best helper! He did an excellent job at cutting up all the apples. He even ran the blender all by himself.

Paxton ended up getting the pukies yesterday afternoon. He kinda just bummed out all evening trying to keep everything down. My poor little buddy!
Today was Library day. It was the first day with story time back since summer. It was great! Paxton really loved it and so did little Kian. Paxton is still not quite at 100% so he has been resting quite a bit today. Hopefully the little guys starts to feel a little better!!


I am loving the fact that I can grow things and eat them. This year our garden hasn't done the best, but it has produced some pretty awesome veggies if I do say so myself. Who would have guessed that you could grow stuff in Alaska?

Our garden next year should be pretty phenomenal. We have compost and manure soaking in the soil. If that's what you call it. We have big plans for this spring! But until then we will just enjoy our carrots, green beans, turnips, lettuce and tomatoes!!

Winner Creek Hand Tram and Gorge.

It was fun. Beautiful weather. Awesome experience.
We set out on our adventure later in morning on Saturday. It by the way takes us at least 2 hours to get out of the house. No matter where we are going. We headed to Gridwood, AK to check out this hand tram that everyone raves about. It was about a mile into the woods and you hit this huge river about 100 feet below. In order to jump from one cliff to the next you have to hop into a little hand tram and pull yourself across. It is a lot harder then it looks. My dad and Tylor ended up pulling quite a few people across. It was beautiful and a little scarry. I think I talked about my new found fear with the ferris wheel. There is something about being super high in the air with my little children that really makes me anxious. Don't get me wrong it was super fun!

Here is little Kian Bear keeping an eye on his Momma!

Me and my little buddy on the hiking trail

It was a busy place and there were tons of people on both sides waiting to get across, so the only picture I have is of Tylor pulling himself across!

This is the view from inside the basket looking down and the river below. It's a LONG way down! A little freaky if you ask me!!

Here we are halfway across looking back at Tylor who is pulling us across!!

This is the view from the middle of the hand tram. Super high!

Aren't they just the happy bunch!!

Paxton wanted to be carried on the way back. He just didn't want to be strapped in. Poor Tylor!

It was a lot of fun and a great way to spend some time together. We are glad that my Dad is here and look forward to spending more time together. I forgot to upload the pictures I took of the gorge. Ill have to do it later!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Ok so Paxton has started going pee by himself. He usually will tell one of us so we can help him get his pants up and down and make sure everything goes smoothly. The other day he needed to go while I was feeding Kian and all Paxton had on was undies. I encouraged him to do it all by himself. Not so sure if that was a good thing or not.
I wish I could post the other picture on here, but I am pretty sure it's not allowed. The dribbles on his shirt, that's definitely pee pee. And when he tried pulling his pants up he couldn't quite get them over his behind, so he just left them. And his little boy parts are sticking out. It was hilarious. Probably because this picture was taken 15 minutes later and he didn't say a word about it being a little uncomfortable....

We learned about the life cycle of butterflies today. I am not sure if he really understands that the caterpiller turns into a butterfly- But we had fun making all the stages and reading "The Very Hungry Caterpillar"

Paxton Loves to set the timer on the camera and then run over and see what the picture looks like. He kept saying "Mommy, do the beep beep beep" when I was taking his picture. So we had to do one of Paxton and Mommy!

I think Kian might just be a little bunny boy too. He really likes to snuggle up with different things like Paxton and his bunny. It is so sweet. I really like how Paxton's bunny makes everything all better. Paxton is always hugging and kissing on his bunny. They are like little buddies. I sure hope Kian can find some comfort toy as well. It is nice to know that they have something to make them feel better when Mommy and Daddy are not around.

I work Thurday and Friday this week, so you probably wont hear from me again until Monday. It seems like I am working a ton lately. I only signed up for 5 days this month- They just all happen to be within the first 2 weeks!!