Friday, March 18, 2011

The words of little Pax

I’ve always wanted to write down the funny ways that Paxton says stuff. Now that he is almost three, is pronunciation is getting pretty awesome and my memory is starting to fade. It kinda breaks my heart! So I am going to try to remember what I can, add to it later when I think of more, and hopefully you guys will chime in if you remember some that I forgot. My favorite of all time is probably yogurt. He called it “LugLuck.” Its not even close really. But he called it “lugluck” forever. My other favorite was knife. He called it a “knike.” The latest one that I can think of is Abra-cadabra. “azbra-cadazbra”
Then there is always the famous "Aunt Dulie"

He is pure awesomeness.
And I posted this on facebook a few days ago, but the one thing I never imagined my self saying:
“Paxton, quit vaccuming your brother”
Oh the life of being a mom to boys.

My Three Year old

I can finally get on the computer! Tylor has been home sick from work this whole week. He got what Kian got. Poor guys. I feel like our house is just full of germs! Luckily Tylor is doing better and back at work, not hogging my computer anymore with his school work. So I have a feeling (if both boys nap good today) that there will be quite a few catch up posts!

So onto the important stuff

Paxton Lee: He has been three for a little over two weeks now, and is loving every moment. I have been a slacker and haven't mailed out his three-year-old pictures, but I wanted to post them on here, so you can have a sneak peak.
I also thought you might want his stats:
Height: 40 and 1/4 inches
Weight: 35.6 lbs

He is in the 97 percentile for height
He is in the 90 percetile for weight

So yeah, big boy. Love him to death

Poor little guy has been battling ear infections for the last 3 months. He is such a trooper though, he never really complains about them hurting, usually we figure it out because he has that dang runny nose and then will check his ears.

Monday, March 7, 2011

The Birthday Party, Final Take.

He are the last photo's of my little man turning 3. I can't believe he is this old. Hard to imagine that 3 years ago we were just coming home from the hospital. It seems like just yesterday. He has brought so much joy and so much change to our lives. We couldn't be prouder to call him ours. It has such a sweet soul. He brings so much happiness to our lives and fills our home with love and laughter. I can't imagine life without him. I remember when I first saw him, how familiar he looked. Like I had seen him before. I still get that feeling to this day. It is really had to explain, but sometimes when I look at him, it is like I have known him my whole life.
I didn't get any pictures of it, but his Nana got him his very first bicycle for his birthday. Nana is going to have to work until she is 90 with how much she spoils little Paxton. But he is worth it. I know exactally where she is coming from. He has been so excited about that bicycle. We have it sitting in the living room and have been pushing him around, helping him learn to peddle for the last few days. Luckily the snow is melting and spring will be here before we know it so we can get it out on the road. I look forward to taking bike rides with little man this summer. It is going to be a blast!
I love my Paxton Lee. I am thankful for his little life and all that he has done to help me and Tylor become better people.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Pax's Birthday Party, Take 3

The Fire Station
I have to admit that if it was up to Paxton his 3rd Birthday would have been a Transformer party. Which honestly probably would have been just as fun. He had told us for his party he wanted his friends to come over to his house to play, and he wanted a cake. We thought up the idea of a fire truck party based on the fact that there is a lot less violence involved with fire trucks. He was pretty easy to persuade. It turned out to be a huge success. Tylor did all the hard work, he convinced the Anchorage Fire Department to let us bring the kids up there and see the trucks and he cleaned and decorated the house! What an awesome Daddy! So we started out at the fire station. I never knew that Fire Trucks could captivate a group of 3-4 year olds. They were in awe, and SO well behaved. Our tour guide did an awesome job keeping their attention. They got to play with fire hydrants, see the sirens, watch the crew dress in their gear and go off on a real emergency, play inside the fire truck, and best of all, squirt a real live fire hose. It was awesome. Oh and watch a whole group of fire fighters slide down the fireman pole. What an awesome birthday. I love watching Paxton's face. He was so interested and so excited to be there. I have no idea how we will top this one. Here are a few pictures. I took over 75 photos while we were there. It was a little much. But again such an amazing time. I loved that everyone came out to wish our little man a happy 3rd year of life.

I have to appologize for all of these pictures of Paxton shooting the hose. I just love love his expression in each of the photo's. It was the highlight of his birthday.

I just love how they are all holding hands. These are the sweetest bunch of kiddos.

March 2nd, Take Two

After nap time we continued on with the birthday festivities.

Take Three and Four to follow. Stay tuned.