Monday, March 7, 2011

The Birthday Party, Final Take.

He are the last photo's of my little man turning 3. I can't believe he is this old. Hard to imagine that 3 years ago we were just coming home from the hospital. It seems like just yesterday. He has brought so much joy and so much change to our lives. We couldn't be prouder to call him ours. It has such a sweet soul. He brings so much happiness to our lives and fills our home with love and laughter. I can't imagine life without him. I remember when I first saw him, how familiar he looked. Like I had seen him before. I still get that feeling to this day. It is really had to explain, but sometimes when I look at him, it is like I have known him my whole life.
I didn't get any pictures of it, but his Nana got him his very first bicycle for his birthday. Nana is going to have to work until she is 90 with how much she spoils little Paxton. But he is worth it. I know exactally where she is coming from. He has been so excited about that bicycle. We have it sitting in the living room and have been pushing him around, helping him learn to peddle for the last few days. Luckily the snow is melting and spring will be here before we know it so we can get it out on the road. I look forward to taking bike rides with little man this summer. It is going to be a blast!
I love my Paxton Lee. I am thankful for his little life and all that he has done to help me and Tylor become better people.

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