Tuesday, March 1, 2011

2 years and 364 days old.

Tomorrow is a big day for my little man.
I am so proud of him for all that he has become in the last 3 years. Being two has been quite the adventure for little Paxton. He started off his second year of life flying to Hawaii, learning how to pee in the big boy toilet and then moving to a new home. He was blessed with a new little brother, learned to count, say his ABC's, spell his name, say the Pledge of Alligence and do jigsaw puzzles all by himself, among countless other things. He is a sweet caring boy who loves life. His favorite thing by far is Transformers. He pretty much loves all colors, although for most of his second year orange was what it was all about. Right now he says his favorite number is 0, but again for most of his second year he was pretty partial to 4. He loves to eat. Ice Cream is still by far the best thing in the world, but he still loves pancakes, PB&J, oranges, apples, carrots, and broccoli. He is around 40 inches and weighs about 36 pounds. I will get the correct stats on Friday. He loves to read, draw, and run. He loves going to gymnastics, storytime and bouncing bears. His skin is soft as silk and his smile still lights up the whole room. I am very proud of all that he has accomplished as well as the little person he is becoming. Happy 3rd Birthday Paxton Lee!

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