Tuesday, February 8, 2011

7 months old

Seeing as I am a little behind:)
Kian Ray turned 7 months on January 15th. This seventh month of his little life has been a big learning and growing time for him. He weighs around 20 lbs and has 5 little teeth. For the longest time he only had the top side teeth (I think they are called the eye teeth) and he looked a little like a vampire. His front two teeh actually just broke through yesterday! So in this last month he has learned how to crawl with his belly off the floor, no more army crawl ;( He is sitting up and goes from crawling to sitting all the time. He has also learned how to pull himself up and is cruising around the coffee table and the couch. He is eating everything you put in front of him and really likes to feed himself . He loves the gerber puffs. A lady once called them baby cocaine. I understand where she is coming from now. He gets unusually excited when you put them in front of him, and he really cannot stuff his face fast enough. Kian has also learned how to climb up and down the stairs. Still makes Momma nervous though. He loves to play with all of Paxton's toys, eat Paxton's crayons and his drawings. Kian has the funniest little laugh too. Kinda sounds like some sort of bird. I have a video of it that someday soon I will post. He is a joy to our family. Even Paxton loves him to death. And in one short week he will be 8 months old!!

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