Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Best of Buddies

2 years have passed, but it seems that their favorite cuddle position remains the same. My two boys are lucky to have such a fantastic father, while he doesn't get up with them during the night (dang it) and puts up a huge protest when changing a poopy diaper, he loves on these boys in a way that amazes me. He can play with them for hours, tickle, cuddle, wrestle. You name it he does it. The look on both of their faces when Tylor walks into a room makes your heart melt. You can see the love just pouring out of their hearts for their Daddy. I remember when Tylor and I were first dating, my friends with kids would always comment on how Ty would make a fantastic father. They were right on. He's got the stuff it takes. I don't know how he does it, between work and school, but he always puts his family first. What a lucky gal I am!

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