Thursday, February 10, 2011


Since Tylor and I have met, we have been blessed with amazing friends. When he was transfered to Anchorage, we were both excited, but sad to leave the people we had grown to love in Ketchikan behind. It has been wonderful meeting new people up here, but we also have found that quite a few Ketchikanians had followed us up to Anchorage. It really has helped in making this place a home for us to see familiar faces. My dear friend Jean moved to Anchorage a few months after we did to be closer to her Grandson. Jean has been a huge mentor in my life, she was the main reason I was able to go to and graduate school with my Radiology degree. I met her 6 years ago when I first moved to Ketchikan and she has been like another Mom to me since I was so far away from my own. I am so thankful for her- and all that she has done for our little family. How blessed we are now that we get to hang out with her Grandson every Tuesday and even get to spend some Thursdays together too. Paxton and Mason are almost exactally one year apart and they have become great little buddies. Paxton is even sure to include him in his prayers every night.

Since we have had Kian I have been dying to take Paxton and Kian to the H2Oasis for the toddler time. They open the pool up for the little ones everyday for a few hours. There is a huge pirate ship, rain tree, and tons of slides. The water is only 1 foot deep and it is WARM! I have just been a little nervous to take both of the boys to play in the water. So my dear Jean helped me out!! We met up with her and little Mason for an afternoon of splashing and swimming. I was so so glad she was up for it. It wore all three kiddos out and by the time we left Jean and I were exhausted as well. I wish I would have taken more pictures, but three munchkins, a pool, and my camera just dont mix too well :)

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