Thursday, February 10, 2011

Paxton's first roller skate!

Tylor and I wanted to do something special with Paxton. The last 8 months have been a big change for little man and we thought it would be nice to take him out so he could have both of our undivided attention. This Skateland place is also a very special memory from my childhood. When I was in K-3rd grade our school hosted skate night there every few months. It is were I learned to roller skate and it was awesome to take my little Paxton there as well. He did very good for a two year old. We had him skating on the carpet all by himself for most of the evening. The skate rink was really slippery he said. By the end of the session he had skated around the whole rink without holding onto anyone! It was a little slow going, but I was super proud of my little man!

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