Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Robot Sandwich

I have always heard about how you can get your kids to eat their food if you make it look really neat. I have never really done that because Paxton has always been such a good eater. So just for the heck of it the other day I made him is very own special robot sandwich. Lets just say it was a hit, over and over again. It is probably the most asked for item on the lunch menu

Notice Paxton's "Make-up" here. Sometimes I worry that he spends too much time around his Mommy.


Yesterday Tylor and I went snowboarding for the day and Paxton and Kian stayed home to play with Nana. I got this picture sent to me while we were gone. Paxton worked hard and made his own robot sandwich since Mommy was gone.

He is so creative! Love that boy!

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