Friday, February 18, 2011

My project #1

I sleep with the best quilt in the world. Ty and I are one of those silly couples that sleep with separate blankets. He has his quilt from his Grandma and I have mine from my Nanny. I think I got it for Christmas when I was in Kindergarten, it might have been 1st grade. Either way, it is around 20 years old, and I have been sleeping with it nearly every night since then. I have done two major patch jobs on it, but the problem is that both of my boys love Mommy's blanket nearly as much as I do. The love to snuggle up with it, and there are many of nights when I even let them use it. So for the past few years I have been saving clothes that I don't wear anymore. I finally have cut them up and put them into another quilt. I figured the worn in clothes might make it soft like old trusty. So here it is.

The main blue and green colors are old scrubs from the hospital I use to work for. They have been washed and worn MANY MANY times!

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