Thursday, February 10, 2011

This is funny stuff.....

I love pictures, anyone who knows me knows that photography is my passion. These last few months I have really dived into it, trying to figure out if I can self teach or if I should go into a photography program and get a degree. I hope to one day run my own business (it’s in our ten year plan!) I have been overwhelmed it seems, trying to spend my free time catching up on the blog, learning about photog, cleaning, and quilting (I need a new quilt! My old trusty from my Nanny is on its lasts threads!). I have missed just sitting down to remember the funny, crazy things that my kiddos did throughout the day and write them down into the blog. But last night Paxton, my dear, did the funniest of things. I can’t help but take a few minutes to share with you all. So here it goes.
I have been on overload trying to go through my pictures from our Nebraska trip and the last month and a half at home. I had gone through all of the photos on my 4 GB memory card and was working on the ones from my 8 GB. The last few months we have had our laptop sitting on the kitchen table. I think that neither Tylor nor I likes to be locked away in the office. It is kinda nice to be in the action when doing homework, ect. So I had my 4 GB memory card just hanging out beside the computer on the kitchen table. I noticed last week that it had disappeared. I HATE losing things; I hate even more to lose precious photos of my munchkins. So yesterday I did a big cleaning frenzy in hopes to find the lost card. I completely cleaned out our office (OH MY! Tylor please throw all that paperwork away!), our bedroom, my car, and the hallway closet. Not a memory card in sight. I had given up hope. I just figured it would turn up eventually. Then I called my mom. I asked her if she had seen it, and nope not her either. She suggested that I ask Paxton. “He is a really smart kid,” she says. I kinda chuckled. I thought that even if he did take it, it’s not like he would remember. So I went through his toy box, and his usual hiding places for things that he is not suppose to have. Nothing. So a few hours later we are sitting down eating dinner and I grab the 8GB card and ask Paxton if he has seen another one like that.
“Oh, no me play with that. That’s Mommies. It go in the ‘puter,” he says.
“I know buddy. This one goes in the computer. But have you seen another one just like it?” I answer back.
“Yeah Mommy. I put it in the ‘puter.”
(Hummm. Does he know what I am saying?)------My thought process
“Where in the computer did you put it?” I ask him.
He points to the CD drive.
Oh man. Everything begins to make sense. On Tuesday we rented a Dora the Explorer computer game from the library. The dang disc wont eject out. Sure enough Tylor gets home and together we take the back of the computer and get into the CD Drive. We pry the stupid disc out and chilling underneath the CD arm thing is my beloved 4GB memory card. Just like Paxton told me. I can’t believe I doubted him. He had to have put it in there at least a week ago. What an awesome memory he has. It is impossible to get mad at such a sweet kid. Even after an hour and a half of digging into a partially opened $1000+ laptop with two tiny screwdrivers and some tweezers. He was being good, trying to help. Love that boy. I was thrilled that the card still works, can’t say I was so thrilled that the CD player still works on the computer. I was hoping for a new MacBook. I am still laughing about the whole situation. Do you know how much stinking cleaning I did yesterday?!?!?!

Alright. I know you guys are really just here to see pictures of my adorable baby boys. Enough with the chatting.

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