Thursday, February 24, 2011

My most willing subject...

When I am not playing with the kids or cleaning up something, I am learning about photography. Constantly. I am starting to dream in Photoshop. I am reading books, reading blogs, and listening to podcasts everytime we are in the car. This whole photography thing has been a passion of mine for years and years. I love the camera, and I love learning about it. I have been surprised to find that 80% of my pictures adhere to the rule of thirds. I am starting to see how light really effects shadows in a whole new way. I am really starting to find what I like, my special style. So lately I have been trying to figure out this whole aperture aspect. I understand what it is and what it does as far a reading goes. I understand how it effects the photographs I am taking. I am just trying to figure out how to use it to my advantage. A large aperture is awesome for taking pictures indoors in low light. It allows for a quick shutter speed which is a necessity when you have wiggly children. But it is also impossible to keep the photo in focus when you have wiggly children and a small depth of field.

Whatever right?

Point of the post is....
Kian is the only one who will sit still long enough for me to take his picute using a shallow Depth of field. Huh??

Kian doesn't move as much as Paxton. I love photography. The end.

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