Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I love this place. I use to go there when I was just a little bit older than Paxton. The year we moved to Anchorage they remodled it and moved it over to the Museum. It is just the coolest hands on science center I have ever been too. The best part, is halfway through there is a tot space with all sorts of neat toys and learning activites. We have been more times than I can count. Paxton still likes to check out the bubbles, lava and all the other stuff, but the tot space is where we spend most of our time. The Fred Meyer Foundation has a grant in place where the whole museum is free after three on Thursdays until April when all of the tourists return. We have been taking full advantage of it, and will continue to until this snow melts away. Here is a few pictures from the last few times we have been to the Imaginarium.

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