Friday, February 18, 2011

Happy 8 Months Kian!

It has been 8 wonderful months (and 3 days) since little man entered our family. He brings so much joy and happiness to our lives. We couldn't be prouder to call him ours. He often gets called KiKi, Little Bubba, or from Paxton KIAAAAAAANNNN! He crawls, he climbs stairs, he stands, he cruises. He waits for you to turn you head and goes right for the things he knows are No No's. His giggle sounds like some sort of bird call. He is the WORST sleeper at night. Even worse than Paxton, that's really saying something there. He loves to cuddle and to be held. He is fascinated by every move Paxton makes and truly enjoys eating Paxton's artwork, crayons, transformers, and anything else Pax will leave on the floor for him. He has started eating table food this last week and is doing awesome. I couldn't tell you what in the world his favorite food is, because he loves it all. He has the hugest thunder thighs and softest cheeks. We sure love our littlest Laflan, and look forward to the joys he will bring to our family in the years to come!!

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